University of California San Francisco

How to Apply


  • U.S. Citizen/Permanent resident
  • Holding an MD/DO
  • Post-doctoral surgical trainees interested in a career in surgical oncology
  • 1-3 years of salary stipend, depending on application and timing cycle
  • July 1 start date
  • Enquire 12-15 months prior to intended start date to develop research project
  • Applications reviewed February of starting year



Download this application (4 pages) which consists of:

  1. two pages to answer questions on the reasons why you are applying for this program.
  2. two pages (excluding figures and tables) are for you to describe your research proposal in detail.

Applicants are required to speak with at least one T32 program mentor in each of the three themes to develop this application (these need not be your final mentors). Please list your final mentors and ask them to sign as an indication to support you in this program.

Please attach your application as a pdf and email with your CV and a letter of support from your primary mentor by the deadline (February of application year) to Gillian Hirst, PhD, [email protected] (T32 Administrative Director)