University of California San Francisco

Nathan Brand, MD
Nathan R. Brand, MD

Chief Resident (PGY-5)
General Surgery


    Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
    Colorado College BA Philosophy
    Columbia University M.D MSc


    1. Assessment of the Surgical Oncology Case Volume Within the Public Sector in Tanzania.
      Brand NR, Akoko L, Kotecha V, Mwakyembe T, Mwashambwa M, Hamid R, Hando D, Komba C, Mwanga A, Mbele P, Itule P, Jackson J, Misidai M, Gaskill C, Ozgediz D| | PubMed
    2. The Devil's in the Depot Details: Case of Iatrogenic Opioid Intoxication After Buprenorphine Injection Requiring Surgical Excision.
      Vais S, Starr N, Castro M, Brand N, Murphy A, Tesoriero R, Kryzhanovskaya I| | PubMed
    3. Novel dual action PARP and microtubule polymerization inhibitor AMXI-5001 powerfully inhibits growth of esophageal carcinoma both alone and in combination with radiotherapy.
      Brand NR, Yang YW, Ding V, Dutta H, Peto CJ, Lemjabbar-Alaoui H, Jablons DM| | PubMed
    4. IFNL4 Genotypes and Risk of Childhood Burkitt Lymphoma in East Africa.
      Baker FS, Wang J, Florez-Vargas O, Brand NR, Ogwang MD, Kerchan P, Reynolds SJ, Tenge CN, Were PA, Kuremu RT, Wekesa WN, Masalu N, Kawira E, Kinyera T, Otim I, Legason ID, Nabalende H, Chagaluka G, Mutalima N, Borgstein E, Liomba GN, Kamiza S, Mkandawire N, Mitambo C, Molyneux EM, Newton R, Prokunina-Olsson L, Mbulaiteye SM| | PubMed
    5. Creating a Colorectal Surgery Fellowship in Ghana to Address the Growing Need for Colorectal Surgeons in West Africa.
      Bediako-Bowan AAA, Yorke J, Brand NR, Panzer KV, Dally CK, Debrah SR, Agbenorku PT, Mills JN, Huang LC, Laryea JA, Lowry AC, Appeadu-Mensah W, Adanu RMK, Kwakye G| | PubMed
    6. Colorectal cancer in Tanzania: the current status and future directions.
      Akoko L, Brand N, Kotecha V, Byabato S, Ndumbalo J, Mwashambwa M, Mwakigonja A, Lowry A| | PubMed
    7. Report from the first Tanzania Liver Cancer Conference: a call for action to unite in the fight against liver cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa, 17-18 March 2023, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
      Mwanga A, Mbuguje E, Alswang J, Brand N, Swallow A, Mwanakulya DB, Pallangyo C, Wibonela S, Uiso E, Kitua W, Pazi S| | PubMed
    8. Comparative genomics between matched solid and lepidic portions of semi-solid lung adenocarcinomas.
      Woodard GA, Ding V, Cho C, Brand NR, Kratz JR, Jones KD, Jablons DM| | PubMed
    9. Exploring the complexity and spectrum of racial/ethnic disparities in colon cancer management.
      Greenberg AL, Brand NR, Zambeli-Ljepovic A, Barnes KE, Chiou SH, Rhoads KF, Adam MA, Sarin A| | PubMed
    10. Association of Distance, Region, and Insurance With Advanced Colon Cancer at Initial Diagnosis.
      Brand NR, Greenberg AL, Chiou SH, Adam M, Sarin A| | PubMed
    11. IFN-λ4 is associated with increased risk and earlier occurrence of several common infections in African children.
      Prokunina-Olsson L, Morrison RD, Obajemu A, Mahamar A, Kim S, Attaher O, Florez-Vargas O, Sidibe Y, Onabajo OO, Hutchinson AA, Manning M, Kwan J, Brand N, Dicko A, Fried M, Albert PS, Mbulaiteye SM, Duffy PE| | PubMed
    12. Moving towards an evidence-informed cancer control strategy: A scoping review of oncology research in Kenya
      Veronica Manduku, Mina Akhavan, Gershim Asiki, Nathan R. Brand, Mishka K. Cira, Zeinab Gura, Damazo T. Kadengye, Alfred Karagu, Alicia A. Livinski, Helen Meme, Catherine Kyobutungi| | UCSF Research Profile
    13. Interventions Addressing Barriers to Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.
      Qu LG, Brand NR, Chao A, Ilbawi AM| | PubMed
    14. Delays and Barriers to Cancer Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.
      Brand NR, Qu LG, Chao A, Ilbawi AM| | PubMed
    15. Knowledge Summaries for Comprehensive Breast Cancer Control: Feedback From Target Audiences in Kenya.
      Cira MK, Zujewski JA, Dvaladze A, Brand NR, Vogel AL| | PubMed
    16. The Kenya cancer research and control stakeholder program: Evaluating a bilateral partnership to strengthen national cancer efforts
      C. Morgan, M. Cira, A. Karagu, F.C Asirwa, N.R Brand, N.Buchanan Lunsford, S.M Dawsey, A.Galassi, A.Korir, L. Kupfer, P.J Loehrer, D. Makumi, L.Muchiri, S. Sayed, H. Topazian, J. Welch, M.J Williams, K. Duncan| | UCSF Research Profile
    17. Improving pathology and laboratory medicine in low-income and middle-income countries: roadmap to solutions.
      Sayed S, Cherniak W, Lawler M, Tan SY, El Sadr W, Wolf N, Silkensen S, Brand N, Looi LM, Pai SA, Wilson ML, Milner D, Flanigan J, Fleming KA| | PubMed
    18. Histology and Cytopathology Capacity in the Public Health Sector in Kenya.
      Brand NR, Wolf N, Flanigan J, Njoroge R, Karagu A| | PubMed
    19. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Pathology and 2-Year Postsurgical Recurrence of Breast Cancer in Kenyan Women.
      Brand NR, Wasike R, Makhdomi K, Chauhan R, Moloo Z, Gakinya SM, Neugut AI, Zujewski JA, Sayed S| | PubMed
    20. High Postdischarge Morbidity in Ugandan Children With Severe Malarial Anemia or Cerebral Malaria.
      Opoka RO, Hamre KES, Brand N, Bangirana P, Idro R, John CC| | PubMed
    21. Differing Causes of Lactic Acidosis and Deep Breathing in Cerebral Malaria and Severe Malarial Anemia May Explain Differences in Acidosis-Related Mortality.
      Brand NR, Opoka RO, Hamre KE, John CC| | PubMed
    22. Expression of Interferon Lambda 4 Is Associated with Reduced Proliferation and Increased Cell Death in Human Hepatic Cells.
      Onabajo OO, Porter-Gill P, Paquin A, Rao N, Liu L, Tang W, Brand N, Prokunina-Olsson L| | PubMed
    23. A variant upstream of IFNL3 (IL28B) creating a new interferon gene IFNL4 is associated with impaired clearance of hepatitis C virus.
      Prokunina-Olsson L, Muchmore B, Tang W, Pfeiffer RM, Park H, Dickensheets H, Hergott D, Porter-Gill P, Mumy A, Kohaar I, Chen S, Brand N, Tarway M, Liu L, Sheikh F, Astemborski J, Bonkovsky HL, Edlin BR, Howell CD, Morgan TR, Thomas DL, Rehermann B, Donnelly RP, O'Brien TR| | PubMed